
Homeopathy for thyroid disorders.

Thyroid gland is an important organ. It produces hormones essential for the state of the whole organism and the health of a person as a whole. Unfortunately, a huge number of people with the thyroid gland pathologies of various severity degrees are counted today in the world.

Thyroid disorders

Patients are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism or sporadic goiter. These pathologies are characterized by persistent enlargement of the gland which is not associated with inflammatory processes and the appearance of neoplasms.
Hypothyroidism is a widespread disorder in the regions of the planet where there is a deficit of iodine in the biosphere. In this situation, deficit of required substance in the body is appeared. If a person does not get enough iodine with food, the body reduces the production of thyroid hormones which means that compensatory hyperplasia is developed and there is a goiter.
The sporadic goiter is diagnosed in the population living outside the areas of goiter endemia. In this case, the causes of diseases are genetic, ecological, hormonal disorders and others. Sporadic goiter affects women 7-8 times more often than men.
The goiter may be diffuse, nodular or mixed.
Taking into account the functional state, the pathology is divided into the following types:
  • euthyroid goiter does not cause functional disorders of the gland;
  • hypothyroid goiter is characterized by a decrease in gland function;
  • hyperthyroid goiter is observed against a background of increased thyroid function;
  • diffuse toxic goiter in medicine is called Graves-Bazedov’s disease.
Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism can have a mild, moderate and severe degree of disorder.


If the thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormones, this condition is called hyperthyroidism.
In most cases, increased organ functions are observed in case of diffuse or nodular goiter. Disorders can be the consequences of mental trauma, stressful situations, infectious diseases, age-related changes in the body, hereditary predisposition and stress.

Signs of hyperthyroidism

Pathology causes the following symptoms:
  • increased heart rate,
  • expansion of skin vessels,
  • increased sweating,
  • appearance of breath shortness,
  • nervous excitability,
  • disorder of digestive system.
In addition, hyperthyroidism leads to a sharp loss of body weight and appearance of blisters. To avoid serious consequences and prevent the development of severe disease, it is required to regularly undergo preventive examinations and be treated promptly by gentle methods.

Hypothyroid goiter

In the initial stages, the first symptoms are diagnosed with difficulty. The skin becomes paler with signs of dehydration. The person’s working capacity is decreased; muscular weakness and fast fatigability are appeared.
The symptoms are gradually aggravated: apathy, drowsiness and irritability are appeared. A person may have constipation and pallor of the face becomes very noticeable. In addition, there may be hypotension, tachycardia, menstrual irregularity, attacks of suffocation, coughing, hoarseness of voice and dizziness. Pregnant women can have serious pathologies.

Homeopathy as a method of goiter treatment

As practice shows, homeopathy is often very effective in the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter (Graves’ disease).
The following drugs are used for treatment:
Lycopus is used for diffuse toxic goiter. Palpitation due to nervous irritation, with fullness. Compressive sensation in the heart. Palpitations and heart problems; worsening of the state in the mornings, evenings and when the patient thinks about his/her disease. The drug slows down cardiac contractions, makes them more complete and even.
Iodum is widely used for treatment, prevention of toxic and endemic goiter.
Natrium muriaticum is one of the main drugs for the treatment of thyroid gland.
Conium is prescribed in case of fibrotic goiter, especially in elderly and weakened patients with various thyroid dysfunctions; effective remedy if there are nodes in the thyroid gland.
Spongia is almost the ideal drug for the treatment of thyrotoxic diffuse goiter. Spongia pathogenesis includes exophthalmos, heart damage, increase in one or both of the thyroid glands, its densification, feeling of choking at night, the sensation of a foreign body in the throat. In addition, patients are anxious and restless, complain of pain in the region of the heart and rapid fatigue.
Crataegus is used in case of cardiac disorders and thyroid gland disorders; especially effective in arrhythmias and heartbeat.
A lot of other drugs can be also used for goiter treatment; the drugs can be selected by a qualified homeopath.