
Acupuncture: Is it painful?

Acupuncture (otherwise known as needle therapy or reflex therapy) is one of the specialties of traditional Chinese medicine. This method is based on the practice of inserting thin metal needles at special points on the body. Today, acupuncture is well known around the world, and is considered an alternative treatment in the western countries. Despite the proven efficacy of acupuncture, many potential patients are afraid of the possibility of pain during treatment.

Is pain necessary during acupuncture?

Indeed, acupuncture treatment can bring ambiguous feelings. But slight pain during the insertion of needles is actually necessary! It is your body’s response, showing that the treatment is correct. The doctor should place them in special spots, and the body should react when this is happening. Lack of pain or other feelings in the body shows that the needle is placed in an «empty» area.
Besides light pain, the patient can experience other conditions, for example:
  • A feeling of weightiness.
  • Numbness in some spots.
  • Body aches.
  • A feeling of fullness.
The human body has around 600 active acupuncture spots. Long ago, ancient doctors agreed that there is a tight connection between these spots and internal organs and systems. Pressing on bioactive spots can balance the body’s yin and yang and restore a healthy energy flow.

What should you keep in mind before a visit to the acupuncturist?

Intense pain during the acupuncture treatment is always a reason to speak up to your doctor. Discomfort should be really moderate, as needles that are used are no wider than a human hair.
If you feel a sharp pain during treatment, as though you’ve had an electric shock, you should tell your acupuncturist about it right away. Such feelings might happen when a needle touches a nerve.
The level of your discomfort during an acupuncture treatment depends a lot on the art of execution. You should carefully choose highly qualified specialist to achieve the best results. The acupuncturist in our center can advise you on any question related to acupuncture. You can make an appointment on our website and our administrator will find the best time for you!
2024-07-16 14:01