When a child is born, every mother looks at the smallest movement of the baby. Often, certain symptoms can be alarming. For example, the movements of the child can be constrained, the baby can hold a head from the first days which is not the norm. These “signals” can talk about muscle hypertension. In any case, it is not necessary to panic.
What is hypersthenia? Causes
Being in the womb, all the muscles of the child are compressed. His/her movements are extremely limited. After childbirth, the baby adapts but not as quickly as it would be desirable. Therefore, muscle overstrain is observed in 9 cases out of 10. This condition is called hypersthenia. Often, the problem goes on independently during the first half of the year. Compliance with prescriptions of the doctor will help to cope with it much faster.
Hypersthenia test
How to detect hypersthenia in a baby? Take the baby vertically and simulate walking on a flat surface. The baby must follow the steps, and at the same time step on the entire foot. In the presence of muscle strain, he/she will walk at his/her fingertips.
What are signs of hypersthenia?
baby throws back his/her head;
legs of the baby are bent; the baby strongly resists to try to unbend them – (the maximum angle of the leg extension is 450);
fingers are clamped;
baby behaves restlessly during wakefulness and even in a dream;
baby is crying heavily and his/her chin is trembling;
irritability of sounds, bright light;
regurgitation after feeding.
These signs can take place up to 3 months. It is due to the fact that the baby’s nervous system is in the formative stage. All manifestations of hypertension should pass by the half-year. In any case, at the first suspicions, it is necessary to urgently show the baby to the neuropathologist, telling him in detail what exactly disturbs you.
The specialist can prescribe the following to help the child:
Course of procedures for osteopathy. Osteopathy is a complex effect on the body, including diagnostics, massage and recovery.
Massage. It must be done by a specialist. Warm, pleasant touch will help relieve muscle tension.
Special gymnastics. The course of procedures will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the child, and will relieve the tone.
Herbal baths with a few drops of soothing aromatic oils.
Problems arising in hypersthenia after a year
If no action is taken, the problem can be exacerbated and manifested in:
speech disorders;
inhibited coordination;
lagging behind the child’s physical development;
incorrect formation of gait, posture.
Recommendations for parents
The most important thing is to fulfill all the doctor’s prescriptions, adhere to the regime, minimize nervous stresses for the child, providing him with proper care. Then, the result will not be long in coming!