Patients suffering from sinus infection are often met in the practice of ENT specialists.
This disease affects the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinuses which are on the sides of the nose in the upper part of the facial skeleton. The process is inflammatory.
The main sign of the disease is the allocation of a large amount of mucus or pus from the nose (in neglected cases) accompanied by headaches and bad general condition.
Causes of sinus infection
In most cases, the cause of the disease is penetration of infection into the sinuses. In addition, it can provoke any condition that disrupts natural ventilation and drainage of the maxillary sinus. It can be the following:
- polyps of the nose;
- curvature of the nasal septum;
- adenoiditis in chronic form;
- consequences of injuries to the facial skeleton;
- pollinosis;
- allergic rhinitis;
- abuse of nasivine and other local vasoconstrictor drugs. This causes chronic edema of the mucosa and provokes sinusitis.
Another cause may be a violation of the integrity of maxillary sinus lower wall. This is possible when the growth of the teeth in the upper jaw is violated as well as dental manipulations were unprofessional.
Sinus infection often develops as a complication after untreated rhinitis, cold or infectious disease, such as scarlet fever.
Classical methods of sinus infection treatment
The traditional option of sinus infection conservative treatment is the intake of antibiotics, rinsing of sinus cavities with special solutions that do not always give a good effect, especially when treating the chronic form of the disease. After this course of treatment, a relapse occurs as well as frequent exacerbations after each cold.

In severe cases, surgical intervention is used and the patient is punctured. It is important to say that after such a procedure, infection can penetrate the nose cavities through punctures and the patient’s condition may worsen. That is, it does not solve the problem but only exacerbates it.
Is there an effective and safe method of sinus infection treatment? Yes, it’s osteopathy.
Osteopathy: new approach to treatment
According to authoritative experts, the real cause of chronic sinusitis is dysfunction of the facial skull bones. Elimination of stiffness in the seams between the facial bones, balancing of the upper jaw relative to other bones contributes to the fact that the symptoms of sinusitis pass themselves.
Sessions of osteopathy allow restoring the anatomically correct ratio of the upper jaw which opens the entrance to the sinus cavity, improves the outflow of mucus and pus along with which the infectious process is stopped.
To obtain the most effective results, it is required to begin treatment as early as possible in order to prevent the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
Advantages of osteopathy
As practice shows, an osteopathic session can facilitate the removal of a large amount of pus from the patient’s nose. After that, the patient feels relief, the flow of constant discharge from the nose is stopped, unpleasant symptoms pass and recovery comes. The method of osteopathy is effective and safe in the treatment and prevention of sinus infection in children and adults.
Recently, osteopathy has been recognized and proved its consistency and high therapeutic effect, Osteopath specialists helped many patients, often suffering from inflammation of the sinuses cavities, to avoid surgical intervention and serious complications
Special osteopathic techniques provide a gentle restoration of the facial skull bones mobility and improve the drainage of the mucosa. Today, all patients suffering from sinusitis can undergo osteopathic sessions and get rid of the disease in a specialized center.