Causes of tinnitus. Osteopathy as a method of treatment.

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | February 18th, 2018

Tinnitus is one of the complaints of patients visiting an osteopath. According to statistics, about 10% of people in the world experienced that firsthand. This problem seems to be harmless and people simply leave it without attention hoping that an unpleasant symptom will disappear itself. However, noise is an alarm signal that informs about the presence of various pathologies.


It is difficult for a person to think, work, live and sleep in case of tinnitus. He/she can not concentrate and quickly becomes tired. In addition, the hearing is deteriorated. People characterize the state in the ears in different ways in case of tinnitus. The duration and nature of the noise is different. It can grow or subside, be strong or weak.

Causes of tinnitus:

  • pathology of brain and neck vessels;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • inflammation of the inner and middle ear;
  • overwork and stress.

If tinnitus appears, first of all, visit otorhinolaryngologist (Ear Nose Throat doctor) to prevent acute inflammatory processes in the hearing organ. In this case, medication may be required. However, there is no specific medicine from tinnitus not caused by inflammation. The osteopathy can be useful in this case.

Effect from the use of osteopathic actions in case of tinnitus shall be confirmed in practice and proved by many specialists.

What are the actions of osteopath?

  1. The osteopath eliminates vertebral dysfunction and relieves muscular tension in the cervical region. As a result, the blood flow in the main vessels of the head and neck is improved.
  2. The osteopath checks the tension in the seams between the bones of the skull which affects the mobility of the dura mater and the functioning of brain structures.
  3. In addition to working with the cervical department, the osteopath eliminates dysfunction in all other sections since the spine is a single structure, where each vertebra affects the others.

Due to these actions, it is possible not only to stop the symptom of tinnitus, but, most importantly, to eliminate the cause of its occurrence!

The osteopath perceives the body as a whole. The goal of any osteopathic treatment is not just the relief of the symptom, but the restoration of the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Osteopaths achieve this result by a painless effect on the tissues of the human body. The method has practically no contraindications; therefore it is suitable even for newborns and elderly people. Remember that if you tear out the weed, leaving the root, it will quickly grow again.

Situation with the health is the same, first, define where the “root” is and then eliminate the problem in the body.

Stay healthy!